Scientific Name: Sepia pharaonis / Trade Name: CuttleFish

Cuttlefish is a type of seafood that has a unique flavor and texture. KSA and Company offers frozen cuttlefish that is sourced directly from the sea and cleaned and packaged for easy preparation.

KSA and Company has direct links with local fishermen and owns more than 20 boats to catch their seafood products, including cuttlefish. The cuttlefish are caught using traditional fishing methods such as hook and line fishing, as well as using fishing nets.

Whole Cuttlefish: These are the entire cuttlefish, cleaned and packaged whole. They can be cooked and served in a variety of ways, including grilled, fried, or boiled.

Whole Cleaned Cuttlefish: These are the entire cuttlefish, cleaned and packaged whole but with the ink sac and other inedible parts removed.

KSA and Company takes great care to ensure that their Cuttlefish is of the highest quality and freshness. Their use of advanced freezing methods and technologies helps to preserve the flavor and texture of the cuttlefish, making it a delicious and healthy seafood option for consumers.